Home Page

Welcome to my Blog!

Here's my spot on the internet, where I hope to be able to write and document my journey in life, mainly involving computer programming. I've attempted to get a blog going for a while now, but was never happy with the tools to do all this. I found out about Astro, and have found it solves most of my issues. I had tried a few times in my main goto web framework, Django, but I would always run into some issue that made things not as fun as they should be.

In the future I will probably post a bit more about why Astro fits my needs, as a sneek peak though, I am able to write posts in Markdown, and easily include HTML snippets, as well as HTML/Javascript content that lets me show live demos and content without having to jump through a lot of hoops.

To learn a bit more about me, check out the About page at the top right. I also have a tags page that will give you an idea of the types of content I have (right now, not much! =)).